The Legend

Cocktail Datil hot Sauce

"Cocka-Datil-Doo" is what you will sing as you taste a lot of heat and a little sweet in this masterpiece! Derived from old Florida family recipes, this sauce is all you need to complete any dish. You will never go back to regular cocktail sauce again. Outstanding with any seafood: shrimp, calamari, flounder, grouper, and the list goes on. Beyond seafood, the sauce works with steak, burgers and all your veggies on and off the grill.

This bird is taking flight and popping up all over Northeast Florida. Be sure to try some at your favorite local restaurants. You can buy some locally at these fine establishments so be sure to take a bottle or even a case home!

Wes Register

East Palatka native, musician and frontman for Paper City Hustlers, Wes is a long time hot sauce connoisseur! Always has a cheerful smile and could sell the shirt off his back, keeping things fresh for the next trend! Gonna take Cocka-Datil-Doo to the moon with his friend Elon!

Frank Crosby - "The Man"

I have lived in San Mateo, Florida all of my life with datil peppers, the "local pepper," growing all around me. I started making Datil Hot Sauce in my kitchen over 25 years ago. I love this datil hot sauce and I am thrilled to be sharing my family recipe with all of you!

Sabrina Crosby - Management and Sales

I grew up in Saint Augustine, Florida. Frank and I met at Saint Johns River College in Palatka. We have been married for 41 years and I am a proud Mom and Grandmother "Bina!" After 40 years with a career in education, I have retired am now proudly managing our old family recipe in our new Cocka-Datil-Doo hot sauce business.